Educational vs Medical Eligibility100 Day Kit
Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship Program The University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability (CDD) offers Clinical Child Psychology postdoctoral training in specialty areas such as Neurodevelopmental Disorders including Autism Spectrum Disorder or Early Childhood Mental Health. The availability of positions in each specialty area is dependent on funding each […]
There are many considerations during an individual with ASD’s transition into adulthood. Some of the areas include: Education At age 18, the individual with ASD will have the option of continuing until age 22 in receiving school transition services. This determination will be make during the IEP Transition Meeting. For […]
The Autism Family & Provider Resource Team can help! For a list of activities and services throughout the state for you and your family, please contact them at 505-272-1852 or toll free at 1-800-270-1861, or email them at The New Mexico Autism Society offer community activities for teenagers, adults […]
The New Mexico Family Infant Toddler (FIT) Program is a state and federally funded program for families whose child is under the age of three that has or is at risk for a developmental disability or delay to receive early intervention services. It is not necessary to determine a diagnosis […]
How can I learn about being a self advocate? The New Mexico Center for Self Advocacy is a program with the New Mexico Developmental Disabilities Council, located in Albuquerque, that helps individuals with developmental disabilities meet, organize, work, and train others. Their goal is to support people to be empowered, […]
Información telefónica que abarca todo el estado; para familias, personas con Trastorno del Espectro de Autismo (TEA), y proveedores en busca de recursos específicos sobre autismo. Un equipo de especialistas en recursos que puede apoyar a personas con TEA, a familias y proveedores en la búsqueda de recursos específicos sobre […]
The New Mexico Autism Society offers many activities and events that allow parents and families of children with ASD to connect with each other.For more information about The New Mexico Autism Society call (505) 332-0306. Or visit their Facebook Page. Parents Reaching Out and EPICS (Educating Parents of Indian Children […]
When you are trying to determine what services are best for your child, you might consider the following: Q: What does the report from my child’s evaluation say? A: If the evaluation is recent (in the past year), you can refer to the list of recommendations from the evaluation team […]
Dental Information Guide for Dental Professionals Dental Care for Individuals with Autism
Dental Guide for Autism Providers Dental Care for Individuals with Autism
Dental Guide for Families and Caregivers