Education about Transition Transition Age – News, Blog, Resources, Tool kits Parents Reaching Out forward at 14 Autism Speak Transition Packet 11 Considerations for autism at IEP IEP Checklist ASD Considerations Definitions How to participate in your own IEP According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) reauthorized in […]
What is an IEP? Developing Quality IEPs 11 Considerations for Autism at IEP IEP committees must review the 11 considerations during the IEP meeting IEP Checklist ASD IEP Considerations Definitions Parents Rights Parent and Child Rights in Special Education
Knowing what the schools are required to provide, what families can ask the schools to do and/or expect from the public schools related to the education of students with Autism Spectrum disorders can be confusing! The resources/booklets below are designed to help with that understanding Educational Priorities and Educational Teaming […]
What is effective? Medical and Behavioral Treatments for ASD For more guidance about what interventions would be effective for your child with ASD, you might consider the following: There are a number of strategies and approaches to treatment for individuals with ASD. Interventions found to be effective are called Evidence […]
Diagnostic and treatment services for children with ASD are generally available in New Mexico, and are funded by private insurance, public employee insurance, and Medicaid. To find out specifics of your insurance plan, consult your benefit handbook or talk to a customer service representative at the health plan. The links […]
What is a DD Waiver? This waiver program helps eligible New Mexicans live in their homes and communities by allowing them to choose from a menu of services and supports. The Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DD Waiver) serves individuals with an intellectual disability or specific related conditions and developmental disabilities that […]
What is New Mexico Centennial Care? Centennial Care is the name of the New Mexico Medicaid program. Most people who have Centennial Care receive services through one of four managed care organizations (MCOs). Covered services include physical health (medical, dental, and vision), behavioral health (to help with issues such as […]