
2 posts

Public School Information

Knowing what the schools are required to provide, what families can ask the schools to do and/or expect from the public schools related to the education of students with Autism Spectrum disorders can be confusing! The resources/booklets below are designed to help with that understanding Educational Priorities and Educational Teaming New Mexico Public Education Department – Special Education Technical Assistance Manuals What is an IEP? Developing Quality IEP’s 11 Considerations for Autism at IEP IEP committees must review the 11 considerations during the IEP meeting: IEP Considerations Checklist ASD IEP Considerations Definitions School Community Tool Kit

Transitioning to Preschool (Childfind)

Although we often think of Child Find as a provision for preschool education for students with disabilities, it includes all children of school age. Child Find requires all schools to locate, identify and evaluate all children with disabilities from birth through age 21 (Provision for birth through age 2 are considered part B services, from age three through 21 students receive part C service) What is Child Find? Child Find Tipsheet Information on ages, eligibility, services, how to apply: NMPED Early Childhood Special Education – Early Learning New Mexico