by Marcy Hintz “What do you want to be when you grow up?” is a question adults often ask their children. Adults are curious about who their children are, what they enjoy, and what sort of dreams they have for their future. When Delia says she wants to be a […]
What is effective? Medical and Behavioral Treatments for ASD For more guidance about what interventions would be effective for your child with ASD, you might consider the following: There are a number of strategies and approaches to treatment for individuals with ASD. Interventions found to be effective are called Evidence […]
There are many considerations during an individual with ASD’s transition into adulthood. Some of the areas include: Education At age 18, the individual with ASD will have the option of continuing until age 22 in receiving school transition services. This determination will be make during the IEP Transition Meeting. For […]
Education about Transition Transition Age – News, Blog, Resources, Tool kits Parents Reaching Out forward at 14 Autism Speak Transition Packet 11 Considerations for autism at IEP IEP Checklist ASD Considerations Definitions How to participate in your own IEP According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) reauthorized in […]