Captivate Podcasts

39 posts

Self-Advocates and Employment

Getting a job is an exciting process for anyone. It is the beginning of a new chapter in a person’s life, as individuals get out into the community and build life skills. Autonomy includes making money and being able to manage it towards short/long term goals. Being able to access things that you desire and/or need gives you a sense of gaining independence. For individuals with autism, it can be exciting, overwhelming and scary at the same time. Our facilitator has an incredible discussion with three autistic self-advocates. Listen to how they share their personal insights and wisdom regarding the […]

Expectations of a Parent – Fathers Navigating the Autism Journey

On this episode of Autism Conversations, our facilitator leads an incredible discussion with three fathers who share their perspectives and share advice regarding their child’s journey. In this podcast, the fathers discuss the diagnosis of autism and how they have navigated service systems. They share heartfelt discussions on how they received valuable support along the way from their loved ones. The support was necessary to get them through the challenging times, as well as sharing in the celebration of triumphs. The information the fathers share on how to be a successful advocate for your autistic child is beneficial in supporting […]