Home Visiting Program - Attachment Vitamins
A Foundational Course in Early Childhood Mental Health
Attachment Vitamins is an eight week course to provide participants with a solid foundation in early childhood mental health. The course uses a developmental psychopathology framework that describes the interplay of risk and protective factors in the child, the parent-child relationship, and the family environment in affecting the child’s developmental trajectory. The content includes developmental milestones, temperamental styles, individual differences in quality of attachment, and normative fears from infancy through the preschool years. The course also describes mental health concerns in early childhood, provides a framework for assessing the possible causes of emotional disturbances and challenging behaviors, and outlines approaches to support or restore the child’s healthy social and emotional development. Professional development issues, including self-care, reflective practice, supervision, and cultural considerations specific to the state of New Mexico are also covered.
10 CEUs are available for Counseling/Therapy
Home Visiting Program - Child Development Birth to Five, Part 1: A Family Story
This five-part training discusses typical child development through the context of one family's experience and it tells a story from prenatal development through five years of age. The resources and learning materials are imparted through a home visiting perspective. This is a required training for home visiting staff and managers and is also recommended for anyone interested in gathering information and resources on typical child development.
These five modules are required for all home-visiting staff and managers and cover a variety of topics relevant to the work.
Introduces the family and the home visitor.
This module is required for all home visiting staff and managers and covers a variety of topics relevant to the work including:
Concepts of child development that impact the family and child prenatally through age five
An understanding of how development happens through relationships and experiences
An understanding of developmental domains and how they are interrelated
The sequence of development and developmental milestones
1 CEU is available for Therapy/Counseling
Home Visiting Program - Child Development Birth to Five, Part 2: Baby’s First Year
This module covers Tabatha’s growth from birth to about 5 months.
The objectives of this training are to develop an understanding of:
How development happens through relationships and experiences
Developmental domains in the baby’s first year and how they are interrelated
The development and developmental milestones sequence during the baby’s first year.
1 CEU is available for Therapy/Counseling
Home Visiting Program - Child Development Birth to Five, Part 3: Early Years
This module covers Tabatha’s development up through about 18 months. Motor and language development are discussed.
The objectives of this training are to develop an understanding of:
How development happens through relationships and experiences
Developmental domains in the early years and how they are interrelated
The sequence of development and developmental milestones during the early years.
1 CEU is available for Therapy/Counseling
Home Visiting Program - Child Development Birth to Five, Part 4: Toddlers
This module covers some additional areas of development.
The objectives of this training are to develop an understanding of:
How development happens through relationships and experiences
Developmental domains in the toddler years and how they are interrelated
The sequence of development and developmental milestones during the toddler years.
1 CEU is available for Therapy/Counseling
Home Visiting Program - Child Development Birth to Five, Part 5: Sensory Processing
This module contains additional details about sensory processing and sensory processing disorders.
The objectives of this training are to develop an understanding of:
How development happens through relationships and experiences
Developmental domains, sensory processing, and how they are interrelated
The sequence of development and developmental milestones
1 CEU is available for Therapy/Counseling
Home Visiting Program - Foundations 1: An Introduction to New Mexico Home Visiting
This course is required for all Home Visiting staff and managers and covers a variety of topics relevant to the work including:
Why we focus on relationships
How the relationship between an infant and their parent develops
What relationships are important to the home visitor
The basic skills for a home visitor and what a home visitor does during a home visit
Reflective supervision
1 CEU is available for Therapy/Counseling
Home Visiting Program - Foundations 2: Screenings and Tools
This course is required for all Home Visiting staff and managers and covers a variety of topics relevant to the work including:
Learning about the health, safety, growth, and development of the baby
Social support and well-being of the caregivers in the family
Based on a case study:
Knowledge and skills using the screenings, tools, forms, and supportive documents adopted by the New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD) Home Visiting Program
1 CEU is available for Therapy/Counseling
Home Visiting Program - Foundations 3: Reflective Practice within New Mexico Home Visiting
This course is required for all Home Visiting staff and managers and covers a variety of topics relevant to the work including:
Why self-awareness is important to the work of the home visitor and what that means
What it means to be aware of others, and what role empathy plays in our work
The parent-child dyad from an attachment perspective
The role of reflection for ourselves and parents
1 CEU is available for Therapy/Counseling
Home Visiting Program - Foundations 4: Relationship-Based Home Visiting
This course is required for all Home Visiting staff and managers and covers a variety of topics relevant to the work including:
Examining the home visitor’s role with a family in regard to their own and the family’s expertise
Recognizing the importance of utilizing a clinical consultant
Increasing awareness of epigenetics and its implications for our work as home visitors
Identifying ways for home visitors and families to prepare for transition in their relationships
1 CEU is available for Therapy/Counseling
Home Visiting Program - Foundations 5: A Reflective Perspective of Relationship-Based Home Visiting
This course is required for all Home Visiting staff and managers and covers a variety of topics relevant to the work including:
The exploration of reflective practices as they are incorporated within the New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD) Home Visiting programs, with special attention to:
Reflective supervision
Reflective practice across relationships
Parent-child relationships
Home visitor-parent relationships
Supervisor-home visitor relationships
1 CEU is available for Therapy/Counseling
Home Visiting Program - Introduction to Family Goal Setting
The Introduction to Family Goal Setting online training is designed to provide an overview for home visitors as they support families to set goals using the Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely (S.M.A.R.T.) Goal Process.
This online training will help home visitors to:
Learn the components of a family goal (S.M.A.R.T. goal).
Understand how they can support a family in creating a family goal, which may include caregiver goals as well.
Understand how to use information from screenings, tools, and what is learned from visiting with families to support goal development.
Understand the importance of updating family goals regularly, build it into practice, and how to enter it into the Home Visiting database.
Home Visiting Program - New Mexico Standards
This online course will provide participants with an understanding of:
NM Home Visiting Accountability Act
Framework/6 Long Term Outcomes of NM Home Visiting
Vision of NM Home Visiting
Goals of NM Home Visiting
NM Home Visiting Program Standards
Questions to Prompt Reflections
Home Visiting Program - PICCOLO
Home Visiting Online Tools Guidance Modules
This online course is designed to support Home Visiting staff, this module is a supplement to the PICCOLO™ Training DVD and User’s Guide which should be completed first and is a requirement to be competed in order to be trained to fidelity for this Tool. If you have not completed the PICCOLO™ Training DVD and read the User’s Guide, please stop and compete that before proceeding with this module. In this module, we will be looking at what is PICCOLO™ in NM Early Childhood and Care Department (ECECD) home visiting, ECECD frequency and guidance, introducing PICCOLO™ to families, giving feedback and using PICCOLO™ language during home visits with an emphasis on parents’ strengths from a relationship-based perspective, as well as telehealth or virtual home visiting considerations and resources.
Home Visiting Program - Safe Sleep
New Mexico Early Childhood Safe Sleep Initiative
The New Mexico Early Childhood Safe Sleep Initiative online training is designed to support all home visiting providers, parents, caregivers, home based service providers, center based service providers, and Head Start and Early Head Start providers in:
Identifying facts and myths about Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID)/Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Understanding current information about SIDS risk factors
Defining actions that families and caregivers can take to reduce SIDS risk
Understanding the procedure for requesting, storing, and distributing the New Mexico Home Visiting Safe Sleep Cradles
Home Visiting Program - Safe Sleep (Not-for-Credit)
Important: If you are required to take the Safe Sleep training as part of Home Visiting Training requirements, please go to the Moodle course titled "Home Visiting Program – Safe Sleep (For-Credit)"
This version of the Online Home Visiting Safe Sleep training can be taken as a review course for personnel who have already taken the required Home Visiting Program – Safe Sleep training for credit and want to review it as a refresher, or share it with family members. It is also available for others who want information about Safe Sleep best practices, but are not interested in receiving a certificate of completion for credit.
Home Visiting Program - The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV) in New Mexico
This online course will provide the participant with an overview of:
MIECHV Program
MIECHV Program in NM
Crosswalk of MIECHV Benchmarks with the NM Home Visiting Long Term Outcomes
Home Visiting Program - Trauma-Informed Practice: An Introduction for Home Visitors
The Trauma-Informed Practice online training is designed to provide an overview of trauma-informed practice and to support home visitors as they work with families who may be or have been affected by trauma.
This online training will support home visitors:
To understand what is meant by trauma and trauma-informed practice.
To gain an understanding of how they can support families who are experiencing or have experienced trauma.
With valuable resources to support families who are experiencing or have experienced trauma and to support themselves as they utilize a trauma-informed practice.