By Amelia Dickey My name is Amelia Dickey. I have been a disability advocate for several years. I attended the Young Adult Compass group from April 2019 to April 2019. I have been involved and am involved in (when opportunity strikes) in many Disability Advocacy outreach events (conferences, presentations, seminars, […]
blog post
Autor: Carmengloria Schlachter – Family Specialist – Autism Programs – Center for Development and Disability – University of New Mexico. Una de las cosas más complicadas para las familias, después de hacer una evaluación médica y enterarse que sus niño(a) tienen autismo, es buscar los recursos adecuados y necesarios para […]
Co-authored by Jeanne Favret, Kyle Henderson, Phyllis Shingle, and Winton Wood. Have you ever needed information or resources regarding a disability, but didn’t know where to look? We can help! At the Center for Development and Disability (CDD) Information Network, we offer the most comprehensive collection of disability resources in […]
by Erik Feigum Everywhere you go and everywhere you look, people are both consciously and unconsciously making a first impression on everyone around them. The initial reactions people have to the person in a suave haircut and expensive suit carrying a briefcase to an imposing office building and the person […]
by Marcy Hintz “What do you want to be when you grow up?” is a question adults often ask their children. Adults are curious about who their children are, what they enjoy, and what sort of dreams they have for their future. When Delia says she wants to be a […]
Written by Carita Gould Hi! My name is Carita Gould. I have a couple of things to tell you, but let me give you a picture of who I am first. I’m a young woman with red hair and blue eyes. I’m short – four feet, eleven and three quarter […]
Jordan DeBrine MA, BCBA, Melissa Wintz-Dykstra MS, & Lisa Kalberg MA, LPCC The University of New Mexico’s Center for Development and Disability strives to support full belonging of people with disabilities and their families in their community. One of the CDD’s core values is partnership and collaboration that encourages capacity […]
Hi, we are the Sylvias! The one on the left is Sylvia Sarmiento, a speech and language pathologist and the one on the right is Sylvia Acosta, a psychologist. We work together in the Autism Spectrum Evaluation Clinic (ASEC) here at CDD. We are the bilingual team! We are fortunate […]
Patrick Blevins MA, BCBA & Melissa Wintz-Dykstra MS Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is the application of the science of behaviorism to teach skills so that individuals can participate in socially significant activities that improve their lives. ABA services may be delivered within the home, community, and/or in a dedicated clinic. […]
Maryann Trott MA, BCBA Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities Division Download a printable version of this post here. One of the questions most often asked of the individuals that work in the Autism programs is “How early can you tell if a child has autism?” followed by “What are the […]