Welcome! The purpose of the FIT Video Library is to share information with early intervention practitioners and families by providing illustrations of evidence-based and recommended early intervention practices in New Mexico. Thanks to all of the families, staff, and programs who generously agreed to share their stories and appear in the videos. Please check back from time to time as new videos will be added.
This Video Webpage is funded through New Mexico’s Race To The Top: Early Learning Challenge Grant.
If you are having technical difficulties, please email HSC-ECLN@salud.unm.edu.
For more information about the video library, please contact:
Kathey Phoenix-Doyle: Kathey.PhoenixDoyle@state.nm.us
A Home Visit with Esaias' Family: Coaching with FGRBI (10:59)
This video illustrates how a Speech-Language Pathologist and a parent work together during early intervention home visits. The SLP and the parent describe the benefits of using a coaching approach, focusing on family routines, and using Family Guided Routines Based Intervention as a framework.
Using Video Technology To Enhance Coaching In Early Intervention (6:37)
This video illustrates a pilot project in New Mexico in which early intervention practitioners video record their home visits, post the videos to a private video sharing and collaboration platform, and receive coaching on their application of new practices.
Dream Big: A FIT Family Story (5:27)
In this video, produced for families who are new to early intervention, Dani and Marcos describe many of the key features of early intervention and how they and their daughter benefit from them.
A Home Visit with Hailey's Family: Learning to Coach with FGRBI (10:55)
In this video, a FIT early intervention home visitor describes her work with Hailey and her parents who are both military personnel. She describes how she has made the transition to using a coaching approach and the benefits of coaching and Family Guided Routines Based Intervention.
Using Video, Self-Reflection, and Coaching to Enhance Early Intervention Services (15:09)
This video illustrates how an early intervention program in New Mexico uses video, self-reflection, coaching of practitioners, and coaching of coaches to support their practitioners to use a more routines-based and coaching approach to better support families.
Families Front and Center: The Power of Coaching (5:23)
A developmental vision specialist describes how she used video recordings of her early intervention home visits as a foundation for self-reflection and refinement of her practice.