blog post

11 posts

A Great Autism Resource You May Not Know About!

Co-authored by Jeanne Favret, Kyle Henderson, Phyllis Shingle, and Winton Wood. Have you ever needed information or resources regarding a disability, but didn’t know where to look? We can help! At the Center for Development and Disability (CDD) Information Network, we offer the most comprehensive collection of disability resources in New Mexico. Our Information Specialists are available from Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. to answer questions and find you resources. Give us a call at 1-800-522-8195 for tip sheets, books, printed materials and disability resources in general. In addition, we have Tip Sheets for navigating service systems and […]

Putting Yourself in the Best Possible Light

by Erik Feigum Everywhere you go and everywhere you look, people are both consciously and unconsciously making a first impression on everyone around them. The initial reactions people have to the person in a suave haircut and expensive suit carrying a briefcase to an imposing office building and the person in jeans and a T-shirt tapping away at their phone are as different as night and day. After that, however, is a ‘second’ impression: the well-dressed businessman has a downcast expression and is nervously checking his watch every other minute, which raises questions about where exactly he’s going and why […]