The Autism Programs at the Center for Development and Disability offers a variety of training throughout the state of New Mexico. The training team is composed of experts in the field of autism. Every year, the training team focuses on a specific region in the state. Most trainings are no cost for family members.For the training calendar, go to The CDD Autism Site or call (800) 270-1861 or (505) 272-5304. The Autism Programs also has online webinars and E-courses available. The Autism Programs now offers online E-Courses that you may take at any time to gain more knowledge regarding topics […]
Family Member
65 posts
Información telefónica que abarca todo el estado; para familias, personas con Trastorno del Espectro de Autismo (TEA), y proveedores en busca de recursos específicos sobre autismo. Un equipo de especialistas en recursos que puede apoyar a personas con TEA, a familias y proveedores en la búsqueda de recursos específicos sobre autismo y además ofrecen asistencia para “entender y utilizar el sistema”: (505) 272-1852 ó al teléfono gratuito: 1-800-270-1861.