
68 posts

My child is under the age of 3 years old, and I have concerns about my child’s development but I don’t know if it is autism. Where do I start?

The New Mexico Family Infant Toddler (FIT) Program is a state and federally funded program for families whose child is under the age of three that has or is at risk for a developmental disability or delay to receive early intervention services. It is not necessary to determine a diagnosis or a delay prior to referral. Simply the fact that you or the family is concerned about the child’s development is enough to generate a referral. For more information about the FIT Program, visit their website or call toll-free at 1-877-696-1472. The Early Childhood Evaluation Program (ECEP) provides evaluations for children […]

As an adult with autism where can I find more information about community opportunities such as advocacy, recreational programs, and other resources?

How can I learn about being a self advocate? The New Mexico Center for Self Advocacy is a program with the New Mexico Developmental Disabilities Council, located in Albuquerque, that helps individuals with developmental disabilities meet, organize, work, and train others. Their goal is to support people to be empowered, make their own decisions, speak up for themselves and others, and take control of their own lives. They also endeavor to create awareness about disability issues and achieving maximum independence and quality of life.For more information, you can visit the Center for Self Advocacy Website or contact (505) 841-4571. The […]