
15 posts

How can I connect with other parents who have children with ASD?

The New Mexico Autism Society offers many activities and events that allow parents and families of children with ASD to connect with each other. For more information about The New Mexico Autism Society call (505) 332-0306. Or visit their Facebook Page. Parents Reaching Out and EPICS (Educating Parents of Indian Children with Special Needs) have parent to parent programs where they connect parents with other parents who are in similar situations. For more information about Parents Reaching Out call (800) 524-5176 or (505) 247-0192.  For more information about EPICS call (888) 499-2070 or (505) 767-6630.

Resources for Adults with ASD

Autism Programs Family and Provider Resources Team Service Animals Information Network Library A Guide for Military Families Cap or the Client Assistant Program ASD Video Glossary Autism Internet Modules – which has modules on: Antecedent-Based Interventions (ABI) Parent-Implemented Intervention Screening Across the Lifespan for Autism Spectrum Disorders Transitioning Between Activities and MUCH MORE! Schedule A Hiring – Federal Government Most of the time, an individual must go through a competitive process which is open to all applicants. Selectees through this process are hired into the “Competitive Service”. The Schedule A Hiring Authority for people with disabilities (Schedule A) is an […]