general information

20 posts

My child was recently diagnosed with autism and I want to know how I can learn more about what autism is.

The Autism Programs at the Center for Development and Disability offers a variety of training throughout the state of New Mexico. The training team is composed of experts in the field of autism. Every year, the training team focuses on a specific region in the state. Most trainings are no cost for family members. For the training calendar, go to The CDD Autism Site or call (800) 270-1861 or (505) 272-5304. The Autism Programs also has online webinars and E-courses available. The Autism Programs now offers online E-Courses that you may take at any time to gain more knowledge regarding […]

How can I connect with other parents who have children with ASD?

The New Mexico Autism Society offers many activities and events that allow parents and families of children with ASD to connect with each other. For more information about The New Mexico Autism Society call (505) 332-0306. Or visit their Facebook Page. Parents Reaching Out and EPICS (Educating Parents of Indian Children with Special Needs) have parent to parent programs where they connect parents with other parents who are in similar situations. For more information about Parents Reaching Out call (800) 524-5176 or (505) 247-0192.  For more information about EPICS call (888) 499-2070 or (505) 767-6630.