
14 posts

How can I support my child during an IEP and what are the 11 considerations?

Q: Where can I find out more information about an IEP or how to advocate for my child? A: Parents Reaching Out and EPICS (Educating Parents of Indian Children with Special Needs) are helpful resources for families in New Mexico regarding the IEP process including training and parent to parent connections. For more information about Parents Reaching Out call (800) 524-5176 or (505) 247-0192.  For more information about EPICS call (888) 499-2070 or (505) 767-6630. Q: What are the 11 considerations and why is it important for me to know about them?  A: In 2011, Governor Martinez mandated that at […]

Education Information for Adults with ASD

Education about Transition Transition Age – News, Blog, Resources, Tool kits Parents Reaching Out forward at 14 Autism Speak Transition Packet 11 Considerations for autism at IEP IEP Checklist ASD Considerations Definitions How to participate in your own IEP According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) reauthorized in 2004, students must be invited to attend their IEP meeting beginning at age 16. However, attendance and participation in the meeting could and should begin much earlier, even in elementary school. Transition Planning Postsecondary Information Post-Secondary Educational Opportunities Planning Life After High School Supporting Students with ASD in Higher Education […]