blog post

11 posts

“What do You Want to be When You Grow Up?” Empowering Youth with Disabilities for their First Job

by Marcy Hintz “What do you want to be when you grow up?” is a question adults often ask their children.  Adults are curious about who their children are, what they enjoy, and what sort of dreams they have for their future.   When Delia says she wants to be a veterinarian, and Damian says he wants to build machines, we’re interested in what Delia and Damian are saying about the way they think, the things they value, and the worlds they’re wired to build. Raising expectations and starting young The good news is that businesses across the nation have come […]

Let’s Start at the Beginning

Written by Carita Gould Hi! My name is Carita Gould. I have a couple of things to tell you, but let me give you a picture of who I am first. I’m a young woman with red hair and blue eyes. I’m short – four feet, eleven and three quarter inches, to be exact; my own height taunts me. I’m quiet in person, especially around those I don’t know well, and I’m often lost in thought. I spend a lot of time inside – playing video games, surfing the web, and (no points for guessing) writing. I’m working on getting […]