Captivate Podcasts

39 posts

Educator Voices: 11 IEP Considerations for Students with ASD

The 11 IEP Considerations for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder help IEP teams consider some essential issues when developing an individualized education program for students with ASD. These considerations were developed to address parent concerns about the provision of services to students with ASD. The 11 Considerations were adopted into New Mexico law in July 2011. They apply to all students with an educational eligibility of Autism Spectrum Disorder, regardless of needed level of support. Although some students with ASD may appear to require fewer supports than others, it is important to address critical skills in social, behavioral and organizational […]

Educator Voices: Preference Assessment

It is important to think about how to determine what is actually reinforcing for students. In order for something to be reinforcing, the delivery of that item/activity, etc. must increase the likelihood that a behavior will happen again. Reinforcement is all about motivation! We must have effective reinforcers (things that will motivate our students to learn to do those things that will benefit them in a variety of ways. While there are some things that may seem obvious, what actually reinforces an individual can be confusing and hard to figure out. Sometimes we hear teachers say, “there is nothing that […]