Captivate Podcasts

39 posts

Educator Voices: Prompting

Prompting refers to providing assistance or cues to encourage the use of a specific skill. Sometimes the instructor provides one or more prompts. Sometime the prompts are part of the material used (such as a stop light). As teachers, we do a lot of it without even thinking about how and what we are doing. Prompting is an essential tool but must be used thoughtfully. The end goal is always independence.

Educator Voices: Planning for Transition

Transition is a topic that is most often addressed when students are in middle school preparing for the transition to high school and what our students will do when they are no longer our students. However, as most teachers and parents know, significant transitions occur throughout the school years. In my experience of an educator, this topic is one that although extremely important is sometimes neglected. In some cases, the focus on transition may fall into the category of “too little, too late.” Our discussion of transition issues will focus primarily on what transition means to students and families. We’ll […]